Getting to know our staff: Micheal Ogin
Mr. Ogin has recently been hired as the new Spanish teacher on the GNA campus. He graduated from Myers High School and just started teaching at Nanticoke. Let’s get to know more about Mr. Ogin!
What college did you go to and what did you major in?
I went to King’s College, in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. I graduated in 2004, and have my Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish with Secondary Education Studies. Furthermore, I am currently attending PennWest Edinboro (online), where I am studying for my master’s degree in Educational Psychology. My goal is to graduate in December 2023 with my master’s degree.
How do you view education differently now from when you were a high school student?
I graduated from Meyers High School in Wilkes-Barre, in 2000. I attended Meyers from 1994 to 2000 (7th through 12th grade). Technology since then has taken strides. If I remember correctly, the internet did not come out until around 1994; and so, there was not much technology available to students. There was a great deal of rote learning. Moreover, when I was in high school, I believe that most of my classes were more teacher-centered rather than student-centered. In addition, I didn’t have things, such as PBIS, or any other incentive programs. When I was in high school, I don’t believe that there was much emphasis on implementing PBIS programs.
What has your experience been like so far at GNA?
So far, I have had a wonderful experience. I am so appreciative by just how welcoming both students and staff have been. Whenever I have any questions, everyone has been available to assist me. GNA is a very welcoming school. A day before my first day, I was so nervous beginning here at GNA, because change can be rather difficult; however, now I feel a lot more at ease and feel honored and privileged to be here.
What is something people don’t know about you?
This is a great question. Something that people do not know about me (except people who I am close to), is that I am an advocate for mental health. I myself struggle with a Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder; however, if being able to teach in front of others helps other students, then it is definitely worth it if it means helping them in any way. Also, I am a big-time perfectionist–I usually say that I am a “recovering perfectionist,” because it used to consume my life so horrifically that I was afraid to make any form of mistake.
What are your hobbies outside of school?
I do enjoy going to the gym. I feel that by going to the gym and by going on the treadmill, it’s great for stress, and it allows me to clear my mind and not think about everything that I would normally think about. Furthermore, when the weather is nice, I like to walk. There is something about walking on a nice spring day that helps clear the mind and is peaceful.
What is your favorite song of all time?
“I’m the living Proof,” by Mary J. Blige. The reason that this is my favorite song is because it teaches us about overcoming our obstacles and whatever life “throws” at us. As long as we continue to reach our goal, and don’t let anything or anyone stand in our way–we can do anything. When she talks about in the song, “it’s been a long, long journey,” for me, personally, I can relate to, because I had gone through some experiences in life in which I thought I would never be able to overcome. With hard word, dedication, and an amazing support group, I was able to get where I wanted to get to in life–and those hurdles have made me much stronger.
If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
If I could meet one person, it would be my brother, Corey, who passed away in 1991 at the age of 15. He and I were very close, but unfortunately, he had a lot of medical problems. Not only did he have a severe form of cerebral palsy, but also, he was blind (he was only able to see shadows), and he was not able to talk nor eat (he had to be fed by a feeding tube). I would love to be able to meet him to see how he is doing. He was and still is my inspiration–he has taught me tolerance, acceptance and having empathy for others with a physical and/or mental disability.
What is your biggest piece of advice for students?
My biggest piece of advice for students is to never be hard on yourself. Each of you will go through many obstacles in life, and life isn’t always like “A→Z” bookends, where it’s one straight path. There will be hurdles that may come in your way; you will have doubts, and you will have many questions as to whether or not you are on the right path. Just remember, any struggles that you may experience in life will not only prepare you for life; but also, make you stronger. Also, accept others for who they are. Unfortunately, you will meet people who may not accept others for who they are–don’t fall into that trap. If someone is “different”–accept them, welcome them, and always be there for them. We don’t know what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes; and so, treat people with kindness.

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