Thank you, Mrs. Iagnemma
Jim Rohn once said, “Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” Here at GNA, Mrs. Iagnemma is moving into that change by furthering her career at Commonwealth Charter Academy.
After teaching at GNA for 13 years, Mrs. Iagnemma is starting the next stage of her teaching career on Thursday, March 16th. Throughout her time here, Mrs. Iagnemma has touched many lives and has had a positive influence on countless people.
Thank you, Mrs. Iagnemma, for all that you have contributed to this school.
The Greater Nanticoke Area School District would like to extend our appreciation to you, and we wish you the best in all of your future endeavors!

My name is Jordan Lamb and I’m currently a senior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. I’ve lived in Nanticoke my entire life so far, and I’ve...