World news week of 12/1/17
Prince Harry, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, made headlines recently by getting engaged to his now fiancee, Meghan Markle. This is made particularly interesting due to the facts that Markle is not only American, but a divorcee. In America, this isn’t a big deal, but in England this can get iffy. King Edward VIII was forced to choose between the throne and his wife, Wallis Simpson, over the fact that she was an American divorcee. The King (or currently Queen) of England is also the head of the Church of England, and the Church has a rule against a divorcee whose previous spouse is still alive remarrying. Having the head of the Church facilitate the breaking of a church rule is generally not considered a good thing by the Church’s leadership. Surprisingly, however, the Church of England is fine with Prince Harry’s marriage and there has been a refreshing lack of backlash.
A number of vessels have been washing up on the western shore of Japan recently. All small fishing vessels, some crewed, some not. Some crews alive, some skeletons. Of those found alive, they have all been from North Korea. The rise in North Korean “ghost ships” appearing has been attributed to an expansion of the North Korean fishing industry to help fund the army. Such an expansion requires an increase in the workforce of that industry, and the military is being used to supplement, however those in the North Korean military aren’t likely to be experienced sailors. The sudden rise in inexperienced sailors taking to the water is likely the cause of this. Any crew rescued by Japan, along with any dead, are being returned to North Korea- of their own request, despite the recent high profile defection across the DMZ.
Japanese Emperor Akihito is set to become the first Emperor to abdicate in the last 200 years on April 30th, 2019. In 2016, the Emperor publicized concerns that his declining health would impede his duties as Emperor and Crown Prince Naruhito has already assumed some of his father’s responsibility. The Crown Prince will ascend to the Chrysanthemum Throne the day after his father abdicates, May 1st, 2019. Emperor Akihito is the 125th Emperor of Japan and therefore the head of what is currently the oldest monarchy in the world with Akihito being a direct descendant of Jimmu, the first Emperor of Japan who reigned around 660 BCE.

My name is Liam Carcieri. This is my junior year and second year of writing for "The GNA Insider." I am a dual enrollment student and a member of the Upward...