World news week of 11/6/17
President of the United States, Donald Trump, has recently embarked upon a large diplomatic trip to Southeast Asia, visiting countries such as South Korea and China. National attention is upon Trump’s visit to China. President Trump is meeting with the Chinese President, Xi Jingping, and negotiating various trade deals with the goal of strengthening American exports to China. Trump also wishes to secure Chinese cooperation in handling North Korea.
In 2015, the Arabian country of Yemen broke into civil war and the rebels deposed the internationally recognized government. Recently, the rebellious government launched a missile at a Saudi Arabian airport. The missile was intercepted, but the attempted attack has put strain on the notoriously precarious diplomatic situation in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has since claimed that their long time rival in the region, Iran, supplied the missile to the Yemen rebels. They have also issued a blockade around Yemen in an attempt to stop any more foreign aid from reaching the rebels.

My name is Liam Carcieri. This is my junior year and second year of writing for "The GNA Insider." I am a dual enrollment student and a member of the Upward...