Getting to know our teachers: Ms. Hyder
What are your hobbies outside of school?
- Fishing, teaching Zumba classes at Nanticoke Fitness Center, painting, drawing, reading, and watching TV or going to the movies. I also like to write poetry, go to dinner with friends, watch football with my dad, and shop. My only hobby right now is grading papers.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
- I’m a really good singer. I had a demo CD made and everything! I’m also a really good shot with a gun!
If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
- Shakespeare!!! Because he’s the original G! And because I’m also obsessed with him!
What is your favorite band – or – who is your favorite singer?
- Too many to name, but right now Ed Sheeran is on constant repeat!
What is your favorite song of all time?
- Push by Matchbox 20
What is your favorite place to eat?
- Margarita Azul
What is the most unique place you’ve ever visited? Why?
- Pompeii- It was amazing it see the ruins, the bodies frozen in ash, and the actual volcano.
Do you have any pets? If so, what are they?
- I have four cats (one had a stroke in the summer and I didn’t think she’d make it, but she’s good- just walks in circles sometimes!) and one dog, a Jug named Zoey. My baby girl was almost 14 and I had to put her down recently. That was my Pug, Taya.
What is the most outrageous thing that has happened to you while teaching?
- I can’t answer this one without getting in trouble.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
- Intolerance and know-it-alls
What inspired you to become a teacher?
- I don’t know! I was totally lost after high school, so I took classes on everything- even floral arranging- until I tried an Introduction to Education class and realized that I like it and was pretty good at it.
What do you like most about teaching?
- The kids! They keep me current!
What is your biggest piece of advice for students?
- The only opinion about you that matters is your own. It’s never too late to be who you want to be.

My name is Taylor Zabrenski and I am a senior. I enjoy playing soccer, throwing javelin for the track and field team, fishing, taking pictures, doing makeup,...