Getting to know the 2021-2022 junior class officers
GNA CAMPUS- GNA CAMPUS – After several weeks of campaigning, speeches, and widespread anticipation, GNA’s sophomore class officers have been announced. The GNA Insider had the opportunity to interview the newly elected sophomore class officers:
President – Lucas Stachowiak
Why did you decide to run for class officer?

-Most of my friends are juniors. I’ve known most of them for years now. I feel like I owe it to my class to help in any way I can.
What qualities make a good leader?
-A good leader has to do the right thing and must be willing to sacrifice their time for others. I believe the most important quality is the ability to listen, especially as a class officer, I need to listen to students in order to help them.
Why is serving important to you?
-Serving is important to me because I want to make a difference. I want to make sure everyone is getting the most out of their high school experience.
Do you have any ideas for new events that the junior class could hold?
-The junior class officers and I have been looking into what we could do for the Class of 2023. We hope to have multiple fundraisers throughout the year in order to support school events, such as prom.
How do you balance your school work and hobbies with your officer duties?
-Balancing all my activities are hard, but I try to manage my time the best I can. I try to prioritize my time by doing what is most important first, like school and officer duties.
What are your plans for prom?
-We are planning on holding several fundraisers leading up to prom. I am looking forward to helping organize prom this year.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
-I am currently part of the football and baseball team, and also a member of the National Honor Society.
Vice president – Shaylee Heffron
What was your reason for running for class officer?

-I want to be able to help others and make the rest of our school years successful.
Why is serving as an officer important to you?
-Our school needs leaders who will do their best to make our last years at GNA the greatest. Helping with everything is something I love to do, so I am very glad to help my class.
What are your plans for class events such as prom?
–I plan on doing fundraisers early to get a head start. I would also like to decide on everything very soon, so we are prepared. I would like to make this the best prom for our juniors and seniors.
What kinds of extracurricular do you participate in?
–I am a member of the field hockey, basketball, and softball team at our school.
Do you have any ideas for new events that your class can hold?
-I have not yet talked with my fellow officers about any new events, but we are open to any suggestions. Any new ideas that we come up with will benefit the Class of 2023 as much as it can.
Secretary – Jayden Guszak
Why did you decide to run for class officer?

-I ran because I figured that it would be fun and I knew that I could make big changes.
What qualities make a good leader?
-In my eyes, I would say somebody that is very dependable, respectful and can relate to the people.
Why is serving important to you?
-Serving is important because it allows me and my fellow classmates to finally have a say for things that we want.
Do you have any ideas for new events that the junior class could hold?
–Yes, we do actually have a fundraiser coming up for poppy seed rolls and nut rolls for Thanksgiving. There will also be a pierogi sale in December.
How do you balance your school work and hobbies with your officer duties?
–Same as anything – I just change my time schedule and get everything done when it’s due.
What are your plans for prom?
-As of right now there is not enough information to share, but once there, is I will let you know.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
-I’m involved in football, skiing, and baseball.
Treasurer – Ali O’Connor
Why did you decide to run for class officer?

-I ran for fun my sophomore year but no one ran against me so I won by default. I ran again this year because I enjoyed being a leader for my class.
What qualities make a good leader?
-I get along with everyone and I am very open-minded towards other people’s thoughts and ideas.
Why is serving important to you?
-It makes me feel closer and more involved with my school and my class
Do you have any ideas for new events the junior class can hold?
-I’d like to hold more fundraisers to raise money for my class so that we’d have the funds for more events.
How do you balance your school work and hobbies with your officer duties?
-I try to get all my work done in my classes and save my duties as a class officer for free periods and after school when I have time.
What are your plans for prom?
-I’ve had a few ideas but no matter what the other officers and I decide, it’s my main goal to make it as fun and memorable as I can especially for the seniors.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
-I’m part of journalism; I’d like to become part of more throughout this year and my senior year.

My name is Damir Gomez, and I am a sophomore at GNA. I have been a student here for four years now. I am from Paterson, New Jersey. I enjoy playing sports...