Seniors head to Great Adventure
What: Senior Class Day Trip to Six Flags, Great Adventure Amusement Park in Jackson Township, New Jersey.
When: May 28, 2021.
Departure from GNA: 7:00 am.
Return to GNA: 9:00 pm.
How: Frank Martz Deluxe MotorCoach Buses.
What’s Included: Park ticket, arrival snack, meal deal meal, and bus transportation to and from the park.
Cost: $15.00 per senior.
Participation in this trip is entirely voluntary. Safety protocols regarding COVID-19 will be required by both Martz Trailways and Six Flags. Please be prepared to follow all safety measures.
About the Writer

BrookLyn Blank, Student Writer
My name is BrookLyn Blank, and I am a senior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. This is my first year writing for The GNA Insider. I’ve attended...