Junior Ali Keener to play softball for Morgan State
How long have you been playing softball?
I have been playing softball all of my life. I started with t-ball and then worked my way up.
What makes you enjoy playing it?
I enjoy playing softball so much because it is an escape for me. While I am playing, the only thing I am thinking about is softball.
When did Morgan state reach out and ask you to play for them?
The Morgan State Coach was in contact with me on 9/1/20 because that is the first day you can talk to a player you want to recruit. He ultimately asked me to play for him on 3/3/21.
What about you do they like?
I am not sure.
Do you play softball for any travel teams, or do you only play for the high school?
I have played travel softball since I was 8 and I also play for the high school. I currently play for Stripes and Strikes 18u.
Is it your overall goal to become a professional softball player? If not, what would you like to be?
It is not my goal to become a professional softball player. There are a few reasons, but the biggest one being the professional softball players are severely underpaid, but that’s an issue for a different time. I would like to be an anesthesiologist.
What baseball/softball players do you find inspirational and why?
Well, there isn’t really anyone I aspire to be like because I feel like that would put a limit on what I can do. I always just want to be improving my game and be better than I was yesterday.
What do you plan on studying at Morgan state?
Who are some people in your life that have encouraged you to obtain this achievement?
My mom has been behind me through the whole process.
How hard did you have to work to become as good as you are at softball?
It definitely wasn’t easy, but I knew what I wanted so I kept at it.
How much time did you have to put into training?
I have spent a lot of time training. It’s always getting one more rep at practices and putting in the work outside of practice. You have to make sacrifices sometimes to get better. I don’t have much of a summer because I am always away playing, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to earn a spot on the Morgan state softball team?
I would say to just keep working hard and if you want it bad enough you’ll be able to get it.

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