Junior class officers
The junior class is a very important component of the GNA family. They hold events and prepare the class for their last year at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. Juniors are responsible for the Prom in May and also conduct extensive fundraising to help prepare for events held throughout their junior and senior years.
The GNA Insider interviewed the 2017-2018 junior class officers. Together, they look to lead their class to a successful future.
Bella Czeck, President
Why did you decide to run for class office?
I ran for class office because I want to be involved in my class activities.
Why is serving important to you?
Serving is really important to me because it gives me the opportunity to make this year great for my fellow classmates.
What are your plans to fundraiser for senior year?
I plan on discussing multiple fundraising ideas, like selling chocolate bars, etc so we can have a great senior year.
What are your plans for prom?
My plan is to gather ideas and consider all opinions to create a prom that is memorable and fun for everyone.
What qualities make a good leader?
A good leader is open-minded, helpful, kind, and unselfish.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
I am a member of the Student Council and have been a Trojanette basketball player for several years.
How do you plan to balance your school work/extracurriculars along with your officer duties?
I will use my time management skills to make sure all of my responsibilities get the time they need.
Do you have any ideas for new events that junior class could hold?
I do have some ideas that I look forward to discussing with my fellow officers.
Allison Williams, Vice President
Why did you decide to run for class office?
I decided to run for class office because I wanted to get more involved and make it a fun year for everyone.
Why is serving important to you?
Serving is import to me because I want to represent my class in the best way possible and make this year different for everyone individual in the junior class.
What qualities make a good leader?
A good leader is someone who is highly respected, communicates information among their peers, and spreads ambition throughout everyone that crosses their path.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
I am a varsity cheerleader, a member of the Student Council, and a member of the National Honor Society.
How do you plan to balance your school work/extracurriculars along with your officer duties?
I plan to stay organized and to keep up my school work.
Do you have any ideas for new events that junior class could hold?
I have thought of many events such as basket raffles for prom, a class car wash, and a powder puff football game.
Liam Carcieri, Secretary
Why did you decide to run for class office?
I want to help our school and class, and I feel this is how I can best do so.
Why is serving important to you?
It allows me to do something to give back to the community and help my peers.
What are your plans to fund raise for senior year?
Follow the leadership of our treasurer and assist in anyway possible.
What are your plans for prom?
Personally, I don’t have any specific plans, but I have every intention to assist my fellow class officers in planning a prom to remember.
What qualities make a good leader?
Intelligence, patience, and an ability to accept when you are wrong and fix your mistake.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
Scholastic Scrimmage and History Bowl.
How do you plan to balance your school work and extracurricular activities along with your officer duties?
To be frank, while I have a fair amount of challenging schoolwork, I have never felt overwhelmed by it. I believe that my duties as a class officer will assimilate nicely into my schedule.
Do you have any ideas for new events that junior class could hold?
I don’t have any specific ideas at the moment, but I would like to see more events showing our class coming together and displaying our TROJAN Pride.
Noah Krubitzer, Treasurer
Why did you decide to run for class office?
I felt I have the intellect and leadership skills to be a class officer.
Why is serving important to you?
It is my honor to give back to our class.
What are your plans to fund raise for senior year?
Not sure yet, I just got elected.
What are your plans for prom?
Why ruin any surprises?
What qualities make a good leader?
The ability to make decisions and be held accountable for those decisions.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
Scholastic Scrimmage, History Bowl and I plan on doing Science Olympiad this year.
How do you plan to balance your school work and extracurricular activities along with your officer duties?
Lots of luck.
Do you have any ideas for new events that junior class could hold?
I’ve yet to discuss with the rest of the officers.

My name is EJ Gill. I am a member of the Class of 2019 at Greater Nanticoke Area High School.
I enjoy learning new things, being with friends, listening...