Christmas game ideas
Are you bored because Covid is keeping you from seeing your family? Well, you don’t need to worry because here is a list of games you can play with your family on Christmas or Christmas eve.
- Name That (Christmas) Tune – Play just a three-second clip from a classic holiday song, and see who can guess it first. This also lends itself well to an online party.
- Christmas Jep-arty – Anticipating a virtual gathering this year? Your Zoom party can be just as fun, thanks to this interactive online game. Simply assign a host to download the PowerPoint and share their screen.
- Christmas Family Feud – Pit the two sides of your family against each other in an at-home Christmas-themed version of the classic TV game show. You don’t need much—just the printable and a few pens.
- Holiday Scavenger Hunt – Keep the kids occupied by challenging them to hunt the house for each and every item on this list. Because each square features an illustration, even non-readers, like toddlers, can join in on the fun.
- Ringdeer – Perfect for family gatherings around the holidays, this low-stakes festive ring toss game also doubles as Christmas wall decor after everyone’s done playing.
- Christmas Song Emoji Pictionary – Think you know Christmas songs better than just about anyone? See if you can beat your opponents at translating the emojis into popular titles.
- Christmas Movie Trivia – Add a little friendly competition to your holiday meal by placing one of these printables at each seat with a pencil. Ask each guest to fill out their card during the meal. When you’re finished eating, score each card. Host an awards ceremony over dessert, complete with funny gag gifts as prizes for first, second, and third place. This also works well over Zoom.
- Speed Wrapping – Here’s a fun way to make quick work of wrapping all those presents under the tree: Grab a timer and see which family member can wrap the most gifts in the shortest amount of time. Up the stakes by imposing a “one hand only” rule.
- Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest – Why dress up when you can wear a comfortable ugly Christmas sweater? Encourage guests to get in on the fun by offering a prize to the person with the most outrageous outfit.
- Guess How Many – A simple game for classrooms, in which each child guesses how many Christmas candies are in the jar. The closest—without going over—wins a special prize.
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About the Writer

Emily Cullen
My name is Emily Cullen, and I'm a senior at Greater Nanticoke High School. Originally I am from Stroudsburg, Pa. I came here in second grade. I have five...