Meet the 2020-2021 GNA Homecoming Court
The 2020-2021 GNA Homecoming Court.
GREATER NANTICOKE AREA HIGH SCHOOL – At Greater Nanticoke Area High School, homecoming is a time when the student body comes together to show its school pride and spirit. It is a time of enthusiasm and excitement.
Over the years, homecoming has grown to include an entire week of festivities. Students at each grade level participate in Spirit Week, a bonfire or barrel burn, and a pep rally. The week’s events culminate on homecoming night with the crowning of Miss GNA Friday at the football game.
Though this year is ultimately different due to Covid-19, students have found a way to make the best of the situation by showing that nothing can damper that Trojan Spirit.
Trojan Spirit combines excellence both in and out of the classroom and is exemplified through service to one’s school as well as the community. There is no better example of Trojan Spirit than the homecoming court, and this year’s court is no exception.
Meet the 2020-2021 GNA Homecoming Court:

Sy’raia Maney is the daughter of Beth Maney and is the 2020-2021 GNA Homecoming queen.
When Sy’raia heard the results of the voting, she said, “I looked at Olivia and we both started laughing, but then we couldn’t stop smiling. Ms. Warman started yelling for us.”
When it comes to extracurriculars, Sy’raia is a World Star All-Stars cheerleader. At Greater Nanticoke Area, she is also involved in varsity sports including cheerleading, field hockey, and track.
Though her whole experience has been memorable, Sy’raia said that the most exciting aspect of being on the homecoming court is getting to see the younger girls at the games who look up to the homecoming girls. “It is an honor to be in this position and to represent GNA in this way,” she stated.
Sy’raia has always been a student at Nanticoke, having lived here for her entire life, and takes tremendous pride in her hometown. When asked what her favorite GNA memory was, Sy’raia told us of a time when her mother fell outside the school after a pep rally with the cheerleaders.
For Sy’raia, the most important part of high school was, “the friendships you can make and the relationships you build with the staff.” Her favorite teachers include Mr. David Prushinski, Mr. Carey, and Mr. Zubritiski. She has had many positive experiences at GNA, so she will definitely have a hard time parting ways with the teachers and staff come June.
Upon high school graduation, Sy’raia will pursue a career in pre-med. Her goal is to become a neurologist.
Sy’raia looks up to her mom like an icon. “My mother has worked extremely hard and has taught me many valuable lessons. I am thankful for all that she has given me.”
Sy’raia is thankful for all that she has been given and will not forget the memories she made at the GNA campus.

Abigail Cullen is the daughter of Sharon and Paul Cullen and is part of the 2020-2021 GNA Homecoming Court.
When Abigail heard the results of the voting she said, “I was obviously surprised but happy and grateful my classmates voted for me.” One thing Abigail was extremely excited about was “going dress shopping to find the perfect one.”
Abigail has lived in Nanticoke ever since 2nd grade. She is originally from Stroudsburg.
Her favorite memory from her years at Greater Nanticoke Area was the Spirit Games during her junior year. Abigail’s favorite teacher is David Prushinski. “I love to talk to him, and he’s always there for good advice and always helps me my problems.” Her favorite class is problems and statistics.
Abigail is a member of the basketball, volleyball, track and field, and golf teams. In her free time, she likes to hike, fish, and jet ski at the lake house.
Abigail is unsure of what she wants to do after graduation, but she is looking forward to the day she gets married and has children.
Abigail’s father is the person who has influenced her most in life. “He has so much faith in me and does so much to help me.”
The thing Abigail will miss the most about GNA is her teammates. She has enjoyed making lasting memories with them.

Olivia Nice is the daughter of Robin Skrip and Mike Nice and is a part of the 2020-2021 GNA Homecoming Court.
When Olivia first found out she was on the homecoming court, she was in Ms. Warman’s class with only Sy’raia, who is Miss GNA. She said, “When it got announced, we both started laughing but then started smiling.” Only after the news sank in, did Olivia realize what the announcement meant.
Olivia said that “the most exciting thing about being on the court is being able to have the opportunity to represent our school.”
She has made many lasting memories at GNA over the years but, she said her favorite one would be, “When I accidentally backed into my friend Jake’s truck.”
Olivia believes that the most important part of high school is creating bonds with your friends that will last forever and becoming close with the teachers and staff.
One of her favorite teachers is Mr. Manley. “I always make him laugh, and I know I’m his favorite too.” Olivia’s extracurricular activities and hobbies include field hockey, cheerleading, softball, and going to Dunkin and Chick-fil-A with her friends Sy’raia and Lauren.
Olivia has lived in Nanticoke her entire life and plans to go to college to study pre-med. She hopes to become an Ophthalmologist.
“The most influential people in my life are my parents because they always push me to do my best, and they are always there and support me no matter what,” Olivia stated.
Olivia will miss all of her friends, teachers, and staff who made her time after GNA something she’ll never forget.

Arianna Ruzanski is the niece of Kelly and Dominic Dalmas, and is an honorary member of the 2020-2021 GNA Homecoming Court.
When Arianna found out she was on the court she said, “I was so shocked and excited!”
For Arianna, the most exciting aspect of being on the court is “getting to represent your school and be someone the younger students can look up to.”
Arianna has lived in Nanticoke her entire life.
When asked what her favorite memory at GNA was, she recalled a time when she was coming into school late with Mikayla Sofchak and Arianna was trying to get ahead of her, but had tripped going up the stairs and had fallen on her face. Mikayla picked up her books and said, “It’s okay just get up” and ran to class so she wouldn’t be late.
To Arianna, the most important part of high school is “the memories you make with everyone.”
When asked who her favorite teacher was, Arianna said, “My favorite was definitely Ms. Hyder. Not only did she teach me English, but she gave me advice about my future life outside of high school and motivated me every day even if I wasn’t feeling the best.”
Arianna’s extracurriculars and hobbies include working at Malacari’s and always spending time with Mikayla Sofchak.
After high school, she plans on attending Misericordia to pursue nursing.
The things Arianna will miss most at GNA are the friends and teachers she’s had over the years who taught her everything she knows today.

Taylor Bartle is the daughter of Valerie and Keith Bartle and is part of the 2020-2021 GNA Homecoming Court.
When Taylor heard the results of the voting, she said, “I was overwhelmed with joy when I received the news that my classmates had chosen me to be a part of this year’s Homecoming court, but the first thing I did was call my Pop-Pop and ask him if he could drive me on the night of Homecoming.”
The most exciting thing about being on the homecoming court for Taylor was “the opportunity to represent our school along with the rest of the court, and showing school spirit at the pep rallies.”
Taylor has lived in Nanticoke her whole life.
Her favorite memory of GNA would be “getting to go to all of her volleyball games with her teammates and build such a strong bond with each and every one of them.”
Her favorite teacher is “Madame Harbaugh,” but she also loves going to math class.
In her free time, Taylor loves to pole vault, rock climb, and play volleyball. She is the vice president for the class of 2021 and is a member of the volleyball, swim, and track and field teams. She is also a member of the student council.
After high school, Taylor would like to obtain a degree in physical therapy along with sports medicine. One thing Taylor will miss the most about high school is being able to see her friends every day.
Taylor is influenced by everyone she has met because she is able to grow as a person from every encounter. When she looks at the bigger picture, however, the most important people in her life have been “my parents and grandparents, as they taught me that the most important thing in life is to be kind.”
Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Greater Nanticoke Area Homecoming Court.

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