Useful tips for students
High school can either be the best four years of your life or among the worst; it really is what you make of it. If you are experiencing the latter, here are some very useful tips to help you out:
1. Get an early start to your day
The early bird catches the worm, or so they say. Nothing makes going to school in the morning better than waking up at a reasonable time. By doing this, you can allow yourself time to get ready and not feel rushed. Also you can enjoy a nice breakfast while you’re at it – it is the most important meal of the day after all.
2. Come with a positive attitude
Truth is, the more positivity you surround yourself with, the more positive you will be throughout your day. Negativity will only make things go bad, so come to school with a smile on your face and be ready to learn.
3. Develop a positive rapport with your teachers
A healthy classroom atmosphere is created by developing a positive relationship between you and your teacher. Do your job as a student and realize that the teacher also has a job to do. If you both are on the same page and you realize that, “to learn you must first want to be taught,” you can begin to build a foundation for a better tomorrow.
4. Don’t waste your resources
You’re in high school to learn. You are also given free education from staff members who put in their time making sure you are educated. Don’t waste your time! Take advantage of these amazing opportunities. It will pay off in the end if you value your own education early.
5. Listen
Listen to those that are trying to help you. If you are someone who doesn’t listen, you will not be the best student that you could possibly be in high school. If you listen, you will learn, and if you learn you will find yourself on the path of a successful future.
6. Take part in extracurricular activities
Don’t just go to high school – become involved. Take part in any extracurricular activities that may seem to interest you. There are many different clubs to join and also student organizations that you could involve yourself. You can even ask to form your own club if you wish. If that doesn’t fulfill your needs, take a shot at joining one of the many seasonal sport teams, bands, or choruses that play and perform regularly throughout the school year.
7. Find your crowd
High school can get rough at times when you are by yourself. By finding the right group of friends, it will make your time much more exciting and enjoyable. Not only can you build close bonds with certain people for life after school, during the school year, you and your friends can form study groups and help each other get by successfully.
8. Practice time-management
Time-management is one of the most important things that any high school student, or anyone in general, can learn. By practicing this, you will be able to more efficiently complete your work and in return give yourself more free time to do other things that you like. This is a must if you do decide to take part in any extracurricular activities.
9. Study for short periods of time…
Although studying is a key essential to learning, cramming for long hours will lead to burning yourself out; therefore, not really helping at all. Try studying for brief periods of time, frequently coming back to start again after a break in between.
10. Don’t procrastinate
Time is valuable. Practice healthy study techniques, but do it in a time frame that is most reasonable for your own schedule.
11. Have fun
Most will reflect on their years later in life and realize that they miss their days in high school. Take in and cherish every moment that happens. Work hard now so things will come easier to you later, but remember to have fun!

My name is Dawson Hughes and I am a senior at Nanticoke Area High School. My favorite things to do in my spare time involve being active, eating good food,...