Election week at GNA
The past two weeks at GNA has been filled with campaigning for class offices. Students ranging from freshmen to rising seniors have been plastering posters all around the hallways of GNA in order to try and gain votes from their fellow classmates so that they can represent their school.
For the sophomore class, soon to be juniors, they worked extremely hard through these two weeks, making flyers, posters, and posting on social media to try and gain the support of their classmates in order to become the representatives of their class. Overall, they all had a fun time campaigning throughout these two weeks and made sure they did their best in order to try and win.
The junior class, who are soon to be seniors, tried their hardest to win spots in office, seeing as this is their last year in high school. The student who ran for the office of treasurer is Calista Walk. The student who ran for the office of secretary is Lily Kratz. The students who worked to campaign for the office of vice-president were Steven Laity, Katie Ward, and Chloe J., and the students who ran for class president were Gabby Proleika, Andrew Stratton, Steven Sokol, and Michael Toporcer.
The election results were as follows: Sophomore class officers are Myla Vnuk, Kaleah Moran, Kayla Pegarella, and Ben Bugdonovitch. Junior class officers are Michael Marcella, Taylor Bartle, Genevieve Nalepa, and Calvin Brzozowski.
Also, during election week, students voted for the GNA Student Council officers. The results of this election are as follows: Lance Jenson, president; Gabriel Jenceleski, vice-president; Tyler Rushton, secretary; Jodan Spencer, treasurer; and Taylor Simmons, historian.
Thank you to all of those who helped during the GNA election process!

My name is Deyonna Wood, and I am a junior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School and a writer for The GNA Insider.
I am currently in the Upward Bound...