Safe Driving
On Tuesday, April 23rd, the students of Greater Nanticoke Area High School had the opportunity to meet with Eileen Miller, a very inspiring guest speaker. Eileen spoke to students about safe driving, the dangers of texting while driving, and about her son, Paul Miller. Paul was hit and killed by a distracted driver on July 5th, 2010.
Paul was driving his vehicle on Route 33 when a tractor-trailer hit him head-on, but due to the impact from the truck and the injuries he sustained, he, unfortunately, passed away. Throughout the presentation, Miller repeatedly said, “My son was doing everything right,” meaning that her son was doing everything he should’ve been doing, driving safe, staying focused on the road, and not letting himself get distracted.
Miller showed a presentation of pictures of her sons’ car from the scene, which had been destroyed beyond belief. The point Miller was trying to make was that she had lost her son because of a distracted driver, and she doesn’t want anyone else to go through the unspeakable pain that she went through.
Miller even uses her own little saying “P.A.S.S.” – which stands for no Phone, no Alcohol or addictive drugs, no Speeding, and use Seatbelts. Miller hopes that people can use her terrible experience as an example to always be safe regardless of their surroundings and to encourage people around you to follow “P.A.S.S.”

My name is Kyrstin Montgomery, and I am a sophomore at Greater Nanticoke Area. I have been attending this school for nine years now. I moved here in 2009,...