Democratic nominees: my top 5 picks
It is a year away from the first democratic primaries but talk around the challenger to Donald Trump is buzzing. Most Democrats have one ideal candidate in mind – anyone who can beat Trump. While polls are still very early, it is clear that Senator Bernie Sanders is no longer an underdog.
1. Senator Bernie Sander
Senator Bernie Sanders is our most obvious choice for the nomination because of his reputable history over his tenure in Congress for protecting the American middle class and consistently being true to his word. Sanders battled with Hillary Clinton in 2016 over the democratic nomination but ultimately came up short. He has quite a strong base and is still mostly considered an outsider from the Democratic National Committee (D.N.C.). Sanders does not take money from corporate America and is solely funded by his supporters. Sanders advocates for Medicaid-For-All, tuition-free college, and is a believer in a $15 minimum wage.
2. Former Vice President Joe Biden
Former Vice President Joe Biden has a strong base and following within the democratic party. He is considered in the center of the aisle leaning slightly left. Biden is from Scranton, Pennsylvania and does have an interest in our local community. Biden has the highest rankings in the latest polls. His last two campaigns didn’t go very well. However, he left the Vice Presidency a very liked man. It is pretty easy to be well liked when you’re not making any big decisions for the nation.
3. Senator Kamala Harris
Harris had a remarkable launch to her campaign. She’s a California senator that is very confident in her own skin and seems to be a fairly decent pick for the nomination. She does have a history of being extremely tough on crime. She is an early favorite for a lot of people.
4. Congressman Beto O’Rourke
Beto O’Rourke a former congressman in Texas almost unseated Senator Ted Cruz. Even though he didn’t get close is still a big achievement, especially in the Lonestar State. O’Rourke didn’t run on a very liberal platform and he still doesn’t have a clear vision established in regard to policy. He isn’t a party insider which is a plus. However, he doesn’t have the cleanest background with an assault charge and a D.W.I. charge in the 90s.
5. Senator Elizabeth Warren
Senator Warren is another leader in the liberal movement along with our #1 pick. She is well spoken and has a good base within the Democratic Party. The only reason that she isn’t higher on the list is that she is still having trouble from moving past the Native American thing. Senator Warren has been a constant target of the current presidents berating.

My name is EJ Gill. I am a member of the Class of 2019 at Greater Nanticoke Area High School.
I enjoy learning new things, being with friends, listening...