Studying abroad: Andrea Grey
Studying abroad is a chance for students who have never left their hometown to get a new perspective on life. Many students who study abroad say that the experience changes their views on home and how happy home can make them.
Andrea Grey, a 2017 graduate from Greater Nanticoke Area who is currently enrolled at Elizabethtown College, has been studying abroad in Greece for four months. During her time in Greece, she has explored many different educational (and typical tourist) sights around the country.
Andrea has agreed to answer some questions about what it is like living in another country.
What country are you staying in, and why did you choose that country?
I am studying abroad in Athens, Greece! I decided on this location mostly because it is such an important and historical country. The Greeks have made significant contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. I thought that living here would help me to appreciate these contributions a little more. I also love Greek food and wanted to immerse myself in the culture that goes with it.
When did you decide you wanted to study abroad?

I actually decided I wanted to study abroad two weeks before the deadline in October of 2018, although I have been talking about wanting to since last spring.
What are some positives and negatives to studying abroad?
The most positive thing about studying abroad, at least for me, is being able to really branch out of your comfort zone and meet new people. It helps you to get to know yourself better and become more independent too. The most negative thing is probably being away from everything that is comfortable for so long: my family, my friends, favorite foods, and—the hardest for me—my car.
What is one thing you can’t wait to come back to when you come home?
The food! There is no Polish food where I am studying and I grew up eating that, so it is definitely something I look forward to coming back to. I also cannot wait to come back and see the Pennsylvania scenery again. I feel like PA gets a lot of hate, but it’s such a beautiful place. Greek beaches and islands are beautiful, but I miss piling in a car with my friends and going to my favorite hiking trails in PA. I look forward to that every day.
What college are you studying in while you’re abroad?
I am studying at Hellenic American College which is a branch of Hellenic American University in New Hampshire.
What are you enjoying the most about studying abroad?
This is a difficult question because I love so many things here. I guess if I had to choose only one, I would say the local people are my favorite thing about studying abroad. The people of Greece are so welcoming and openhearted. The language barrier sometimes makes it a little difficult to live here, but everyone is extremely helpful and patient. The whole country is extremely open to foreigners and loves to hear your story of coming to their home and they always want to know if you’re enjoying your time here. I have learned so much about kindness from the people of Greece.

My name is Deyonna Wood, and I am a junior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School and a writer for The GNA Insider.
I am currently in the Upward Bound...