Guidance updates: March
Students must now have a pass if they want to come down to guidance. In the absence of one, your classroom teacher must call down to guidance in order to receive permission.
For seniors who have not yet completed their FAFSAs, it is crucial to meet with Mr. Yamulla and finalize the document. The 2018-19 FAFSA requires applicants’ household 2017 tax returns and W2s to be completed. The FAFSA deadline is approaching at the end of March.
Nanticoke is additionally offering a variety of scholarships to students, such as for athletics and community involvement. Individuals can meet with Mr. Yamulla, Mr. Hischak, or Ms. Iacovazzi in the guidance office in order to talk about these opportunities.

My name is EJ Gill. I am a member of the Class of 2019 at Greater Nanticoke Area High School.
I enjoy learning new things, being with friends, listening...