Upcoming AP exam
No matter what grade you’re in, there is always one test that will make you extremely nervous. That test can be a midterm, a final, the TerraNova test, the PSSA’s, or the Keystone exam. During the months leading up to the exam, students can become very stressed, and start to become extremely nervous.
In the upcoming months, students at the Greater Nanticoke Area will be taking the AP Exam. These students can be taking the exam for history, calculus, biology, or literature. The students have been working hard all year in order to prepare for the test to try and aim for a 5. All the teachers are working their hardest to prepare the students and make sure they know everything they need to.
From interviewing different students, we can learn their fears about the test they are taking and also what they think their strengths are. The students that are interviewed are all taking different tests, and they also have different tips that they can give to people who are thinking about taking the classes next year.
Kaleigh Hamm:
What test are you taking this year?
I am taking the AP U.S. History test this year.
Do you feel as though you are being well prepared for this test?
I believe that I am being well prepared, as Mrs. Muench is doing a phenomenal job at making me feel ready for this test. I feel especially prepared for the LEQ Essay in this test.
Are you nervous about taking this test?
I am very nervous about taking this test, seeing as I’m not a huge history buff, however, I hope I feel more confident as May approaches.
Would you recommend students take this class if the opportunity comes to them in the upcoming years?
I would recommend AP U.S. History for anyone who enjoys history and politics. Although, if you cannot handle tons of nightly homework, it might be a better idea for you to steer clear of this course.
Bella Czeck:
What test are you taking this year?
This year I am taking the AP Biology, AP Calculus, and AP Literature exams.
Do you feel as though you are being well prepared for this test?
Yes, I feel as though all of my teachers are preparing me well for the tests.
Are you nervous about taking this test?
I am somewhat nervous because I want to do my best, but in the grand scheme of things, these tests are not the be all end all.
Would you recommend students take this class if the opportunity comes to them in the upcoming years?
I recommend that students carefully consider what’s best for themselves. If you think that you can benefit from it and handle the workload, then why not take a chance at college credits. If you don’t think you will benefit then don’t do it.
Emalie Rowles:
What test are you taking this year?
I’m taking AP Biology and AP Calculus.
Do you feel as though you are being well prepared for this test?
I feel as though I am prepared for the AP Calc test because Ms. Warman has been drilling problems into our head since day one. AP Bio is another story due to it being a lot of “on yourself learning” which I’ve never been extremely good at.
Are you nervous about taking this test?
Absolutely. USciences (my future college) doesn’t accept credits unless they’re a 4 or 5, however getting at least a 3 proves to be quite difficult.
Would you recommend students take this class if the opportunity comes to them in the upcoming years?
First I’d say check with your colleges. If they don’t accept AP credits the class might not be in your best interest. Every college I have visited said that I (as a biochem major) had no value in taking AP Bio due to the content that is learned in one year here being covered in the first week there. That being said, I have no regrets taking AP Calc because I personally enjoy math and I believe it has prepared me for college Calculus courses. If you are determined I’d definitely suggest you take AP English, I regret not doing so.

My name is Deyonna Wood, and I am a junior at Greater Nanticoke Area High School and a writer for The GNA Insider.
I am currently in the Upward Bound...