Out of this world and into the classroom
March 27, 2018
Those who know Mr. Fleury are well aware that his teaching style is quite different. His methods are unique because he does not teach from the textbook alone. Mr. Fleury transforms his class into a hands-on experience that leaves his students with a lasting impression and keeps them on the edge of their seat.
During last week’s National Science Teacher Association science teacher convention in Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. Fleury was given the special opportunity to bring something back home for the classroom – a spacesuit. He felt honored to be given the chance to have possession of it.

This particular spacesuit was used in space travel by Peggy Whistson. Peggy Whitson is an American biochemistry researcher, NASA astronaut, and former NASA Chief Astronaut. She flew on Expedition 50/51 and participated in four spacewalks, bringing her career total to ten. With a total of 665 days in space, Whitson holds the U.S. record, placing eighth on the all-time space endurance list
Spacesuits rarely meet the public eye unless it is behind glass in a museum. However, since her suit was not American made, but Russian made, it was offered to Peggy after her last mission – for a price of course. Thanks to her purchase of the suit, she has allowed teachers and educators to use it as a tool in the classroom. Students who were interested actually got the chance see, touch, feel and even wear the suit to get a firsthand glimpse of the cutting edge of scientific innovation.
The spacesuit that was loaned to Mr. Fleury was actually the one worn upon entry to space and also re-entry to Earth, making it much more cost-effective to manufacture and easier to obtain and carry because of its lightweight. The ones that are seen in videos such as the famous moon landing are too expensive and too cumbersome to transport around, as they were built for withstanding the harsh conditions of outer space itself.
Overall, the opportunity presented by Mr. Fleury was an experience that many GNA students will not soon forget.