‘Wide Eyes’ by Tori Pehala




Eyes wide open
Mouths agape, and minds expanded,
A flurry of colors passes through your mind as you sit, and listen to the sounds around you, the music enveloping you.

Creativity at your fingertips

As you grab a paintbrush and see a blank canvas that is the world, or at least a metaphor for the world, but either way, you see Things that no one else can in that moment.

In that specific moment,

Everything is yours.

No one else can ever dream of seeing what you see, not until you make it, and even then they could never recreate it the way you Did, see it the way you did,

Or feel what you felt.

Much like life,

Your life is your own, create it how you want it, see the colors, hear the music, let us be what we want, who we want, and be Human.

Let us love,

Let us create,

With eyes wide open like we’re seeing it for the first time.